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A Look at Communications Ethics in Times of Crisis

“Coronavirus” has quickly become the most frequently googled term by a long shot as new outlets are dripping in information regarding the spread of COVID-19. The number of confirmed cases worldwide passed two million according to Johns Hopkins, with hundreds of...

Top Silicon Valley PR Events to Attend in 2020

Other than your own skillset, a PR professional is only as good as their network. While the right connections are critical to getting your story out to the market, equally so is the power of your own personal connections. The ability to continually learn from others...

Keep Your Logo. Refresh Your Brand.

There’s a common misconception that ‘brand equals logo.’ Companies are often nervous about words like ‘branding’ or ‘rebrand’ because they assume it means a logo redo is in order. The thought of a new logo strikes terror in even the most open-minded of key...

Podcast: The Evolution of Performance Marketing in Tech

Ever wondered what exactly performance marketing is, where it evolved from and how the latest developments and thinking can be harnessed for more powerful campaign results?   In our latest episode of Lay of the Brand, Senior Marketing Project Manager Abigail...
