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Autonomous vehicles are here: What does it mean for marketers?

Don’t be too surprised next time you hail a ride or order groceries and find there’s no actual driver behind the wheel. In cities around the world, emerging players in autonomous vehicles (AVs) are piloting programs to test the readiness of AV technology, as well as...

What do B2B marketers need to know about the metaverse?

Metaverse is the buzzword of the moment. Various investments have moved it from a fantastical concept to front-page news, including Epic Games announcing $1 billion in funding to support its long-term metaverse vision, Microsoft launching its “metaverse tech stack”...

7 B2B & B2G marketing predictions for 2022

While many expected 2021 to be the year that marketing budgets bounced back from cuts made in the wake of the pandemic, unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. But with business stable and marketers returning with a vengeance, the forecast is far more optimistic looking...
