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What will resonate with the tech press heading into 2022?

It’s hard to believe we have just a few months left in 2021, but that doesn’t mean technology news will slow down — if anything, it’s going to speed up.  While groundbreaking technology innovations and developments, or just the latest smartphone, can capture the...

PR Technology On the Horizon: What to Expect

Public relations professionals have countless tech options at their disposal for steering reputations and cultivating conversations. With emerging technologies and updates to existing software, it’s become harder for PR teams to determine which tools are most...

B2G Marketing for Federal RFP Success

Winning federal government business means navigating long procurement cycles, budget fluctuations and rapidly-changing acquisition strategies. So how do the most successful contractors position themselves to win in this increasingly competitive industry? And what can...

How To Message To the EdTech Audience

It’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic uprooted industries across the board, forcing businesses to rethink their marketing plans and quickly shift strategies. For EdTech marketers, in particular, looking to stake a claim in a newly booming industry, the new wave...
