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Visual Thinkers vs. Textual Thinkers: How Do You Manage Each?

by | Aug 13, 2014


Are you a visual thinker or a textual thinker? Do you know the difference?

Merritt Group’s Jayson Schkloven, the head of our digital and interactive practice, recently spoke with Jason Compton from Central Desktop Blog on this topic, diving into how the difference between visual thinkers and textual thinkers can have a huge impact on office performance.

While the differences between visual and textual thinkers may seem minimal, the way that they absorb and react to information can have a huge impact on their work.

For instance, visual thinkers often see processes as abstract, whereas textual workers see a clear beginning and end.

If you want to know what this means for managers, and how can they adjust their leadership styles to fit both groups, be sure to check out the full article. As someone who has worked extensively with everyone from graphic designers to copywriters, Jayson knows a good deal about how managers can understand and adjust to these differences in their staff.

Read, share and enjoy — and feel free to weigh in below or on social media with your thoughts and comments!

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