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#Friday5: Ad Bots, BuzzFeed, Twitter Earnings & More

by | Aug 1, 2014


Is it already Friday again? That means it’s time for the second edition of my new #Friday5 series! Check out the top industry stories in today’s round-up: Ad-chatting bots, LinkedIn Mobile, BuzzFeed, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Twitter earnings.

  1. Advertising’s New Frontier: Talk to the Bot (Wall Street Journal, July 27): Advertising bots – how fun! I wanted to call out this article from Christopher Mims because it raises some really points about the explosion of popular chat services – in this case, the rise of Kik– and the impact on the advertising industry. So chew on this for a while, “Chat bots built by brands can be used for entertainment, but they can also be used to inform; imagine conversing with your bank or utility company’s bot when you have a customer-service question…”
  2. Your New LinkedIn Profile Makes You Ridiculously Good Looking on Mobile, and in Meetings [SLIDESHOW] (LinkedIn, July 28): Last week I talked about LinkedIn’s latest acquisition, Bizo, and this week it looks like they’ve been making some product enhancements. This latest redesign is targeted at mobile users, putting contextual profile info even closer to your fingertips. In related news, LinkedIn announced their earnings Thursday. Since it is that season, I wonder how that automated Associated Press coverage is going?
  3. BuzzFeed Video Is Trying to Change the Definition of Branded Content (AdWeek, July 28): Ignoring the fact that BuzzFeed often gets blamed for the downfall of civilization – or at least “quality” journalism – I think there is an interesting nugget for us in the B2B world to learn from when it comes to content marketing. No matter what sort of product or service you’re promoting, it’s all about creating compelling content that speaks to the core needs and desires of your readers. As Jonathan Perelman, general manager of video at BuzzFeed states, “…I think that’s what the next level of branded video is about: really tapping into things like emotion and identity…”
  4. Paramount Apologizes for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 9/11 Snafu (TIME, July 29): I won’t belabor this one, but in the world of PR/marketing a good rule of thumb: triple-check calendars and think twice about context.
  5. Twitter Results Silence Naysayers (Wall Street Journal, July 30): Speaking of mobile, advertising, and earnings, Twitter released their results this week and the Street reported in kind. If you missed it, they also acquired startup Madbits this week, which you can catch in GigaOm here.

So that’s it for this week’s roundup. Next week I’ll be on vacation, so the #Friday5 series will resume August 16.

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