What do you do at Merritt Group?
I’m a senior account executive in the Security Group. I also support the Government Practice on the Riverbed account, and lead Merritt’s Virginia intern program.
What’s your greatest moment — whether in work, school or marketing/PR — so far?
I’ve loved getting to manage and be involved with intern programs at both my previous organization and at Merritt, so I would have to say my greatest moment was when Mia told me I was going to become a manager for the new account coordinator on the security team. It’s so exciting and rewarding to help others learn from the challenges I’ve faced and make sure they succeed in their career journey.
Who do you love to follow on Twitter or Instagram and why?
In secret I’d have to say the Perfect Babies account, but I guess since this is going to be read by the world, I’ll go with Ellen … but mostly because of all the cute baby pictures she posts.
What’s your favorite piece of technology?
It’s still new to my home, but I’d have to say my Alexa. She supports my online shopping addiction — I don’t even need to leave bed to get my computer anymore!
What’s your favorite thing about living in the Washington, D.C., area?
Food. Food. Food. Where I’m from, your only restaurant option is Italian, so I love that I can walk out of my apartment and have so many different options from Mexican to Balkian and even Russian-Uzbek.
What do you love to do when you are not working?
I enjoy brunching at local spots in Arlington and trying out the latest workout class trends.
What’s the best book you’ve read recently?
Apparently everyone has read it, but I recently was introduced to Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
What’s your favorite Merritt Group memory?
Sitting in the kitchen with everyone eating lunch and hanging with my best pals Chip and Jo (watching “Fixer Uppers”). The kitchen is a great place to get to know everyone a little better and chat with co-workers in a more laid-back environment — plus you never leave without an extra little treat and a new recipe to try.
What’s one thing you can’t live without?
IPhone — my life is on that thing, and I’m so bad with directions that I don’t think I could get from the office to home without Waze.