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Earth Day: Get Your Hands Dirty with Merritt Group!

by | Apr 26, 2016

One of the unique perks for Merritt Group employees is our corporate initiative called “Merritt InBalance,” a voluntary health and wellness program to encourage healthy, active lifestyles among employees. This month, we aligned our InBalance activity with Earth Day and volunteered with two great organizations committed to making the world a more beautiful place.

The San Francisco team enjoyed a sunny day volunteering with Sutro Stewards, a Bay Area nonprofit that works to conserve local habitats through ecological restoration and native plant propagation in the UCSF Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve. We dug, weeded and mulched our hearts out to help clear trails and open space for new plants to grow throughout this beautiful natural treasure!

The McLean office spent a cloudy, drizzly day at the Walker Nature Center, a 1300-acre environmental facility located in Reston, VA, that provides a variety of educational and recreational resources, programs, and facilities focused on a healthy coexistence between nature and people. Upon arriving, we were given our instructions and split into two groups: the mulching crew and the planting crew. The mulching crew spread mulch on the trails and in the flower beds, and the planting crew got busy planting flowers, shrubs, and bushes around the property. Next time you’re in the area, be sure to visit the Walker Nature Center to walk their (newly mulched!) trails or visit the (planted with love!) gardens.

Thanks so much to both Sutro Stewards and Walker Nature Center for hosting our groups and making our Earth Day such a memorable experience! We’ll definitely be back!

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